Banca d'Italia, Banque de France, EIEF and Sciences Po, in cooperation with the CEPR, are organizing their sixth joint research conference on trends in firm financing, firm organization and firm dynamics, to be held in Rome on 11-12 December 2023.
The conference aims to create a forum for discussion on issues related to the recent patterns of firms' activity, the organization of production and financing decision, as well as their determinants, consequences and implications for policymaking. This year's issue of the conference particularly welcomes contributions investigating how firms' adapt to the ecological and energy transitions, the impact of energy shocks and green innovation, economic sanctions, and the international transmission of shocks.
Interested authors should submit a detailed extended abstract or, preferably, a complete paper in PDF format writing to by August 31, 2023. Decisions of acceptance by the program committee will be announced by the end of September.
For more information see the call for paper.