Generation €uro Students' Award: a competion for the Italian students

The 11th edition of the monetary policy competition, ‘Generation €uro Students' Award' will begin on Monday 25 October. It is aimed at students in the last two years of high school. 

It is a team competition, and each one will have four or five students, mentored by a nominated teacher. The competition consists of an online quiz, with multiple-choice questions on the euro and the European System of Central Banks. The teams that pass the first round will have to prepare a written analysis, which will be a simulation of a monetary policy decision. Similar competitions will be taking place at the same time in other Eurosystem countries. 

The top three teams in Italy will win a trip to Rome in April, where the national final will be held at the Bank of Italy. If the finalists cannot come to Rome for any reason, they will receive a cash prize. In May, the winning teams of all the national finals will take part in an event - probably online - with Christine Lagarde, President of the ECB.

You can find all the information on the Italian page of the Generation Euro website, where you can sign up for the competition and take part in the first round.