G20 green agenda: Towards the Venice International Conference on Climate

On Wednesday 23 June, the G20 Finance Track Deputies held an extraordinary meeting dedicated to debate climate change matters.

The meeting represented an opportunity for G20 Deputies to take stock of the progress on such a crucial agenda and to discuss innovative and effective policies to support the green transition. The meeting also prepared the ground for the 11 July International Conference on Climate in Venice. The Conference aims to promote the global dialogue and advance common understanding on the comprehensive strategies needed to support the transition towards low-carbon economies and societies. The Conference will be animated by distinguished representatives from International Organisations, national and international institutions, and the private sector.

At this climate-focused G20 Deputies Meeting, G20 members received updates and exchanged views on a number of critical issues, including green investments and policy actions needed to promote a global just transition, the role of Multilateral Development Banks in supporting the climate transition in emerging markets and developing economies and the coordinated actions required to promote comparable and high-quality standards for climate-related financial disclosure.

Such dialogue is expected to continue and be further developed, at G20 and international level, with a view to the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26), which will be held in November 2021

Further information on the website of Ministry of Economy and Finance