Banca d'Italia-Bank of England joint research conference on 'The macro-financial impacts of climate change and the net-zero transition'Milan, 19-20 October 2021 (hybrid event)

In the framework of ongoing cooperation on climate change issues between the UK and Italy, holding respectively the G7 and G20 Presidencies in 2021, and building up to the November UN Climate Change Conference UK 2021 (COP26) in partnership with Italy, Banca d'Italia and the Bank of England are delighted to announce their joint research conference on 'The macro-financial impacts of climate change and the net-zero transition'. The event will be opened by Ignazio Visco, Governor of the Bank of Italy, and Andrew Bailey, Governor of the Bank of England and will see the participation, among others, of Michael Greenstone, Solomon Hsiang, Geoffrey Heal, Monika Piazzesi and Stefano Giglio.

The conference aims to foster debate among policymakers at central banks and leading academics on the latest frontier of research, and will include a high-level panel discussion on net zero policies and finance.

For further information, please email the organizing committee at

The event is also available on Bank of Italy's YouTube Channel.

The conference summary is available here.

19 October

20 October
