Banca d'Italia, together with the European Central Bank and the World Bank, will host a joint workshop on 'Trade, value chains and financial linkages in the global economy', in Rome, on 15-16 June 2023.
With a particular attention to the implications of recent events such as the Covid-19 pandemic, the war in Ukraine, geopolitical tensions, climate-related shocks and energy-related policies, papers will focus on international trade and cross-border financial flows; digital trade; foreign investment, firm competition, multinational corporations; firm-to-firm relations and linkages; strategic interdependencies in renewables, natural resources, and critical inputs markets; trade, investment and industrial policies.
The welcome address will be by Piero Cipollone, Deputy Governor of the Bank of Italy. The keynote lectures will be held by Laura Alfaro (Harvard University), Julian Di Giovanni (Federal Reserve Bank of New York) and Ralph Ossa (University of Zurich, World Trade Organization).
The Scientific and Organizing Committee is composed by: Maria Grazia Attinasi (European Central Bank), Alessandro Borin (Bank of Italy), Claire Giordano (Bank of Italy), Michele Mancini (Bank of Italy) and Daria Taglioni (Bank of Italy).
The event will take place in Rome, at the Centro Convegni "Carlo Azeglio Ciampi" of the Bank of Italy. The programme of the event is available at the link below.
To attend the workshop in person or to listen to the event remotely please send a request to the following email address: