The use of surveys for monetary and economic policy

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Rome, 26 April 2023 - 27 April 2023

Joint conference organized by SUERF (The European Money and Finance Forum), Banca d'Italia, the ECB (European Central Bank) and the EIB (European Investment Bank).

Confirmed speakers include a keynote lecture by Professor Stefanie Stantcheva (Harvard University) on the use of surveys for economic policy and a high-ranking policy panel discussing policy perspectives with senior representatives from key institutions. 

Scientific committee: David Loschiavo and Concetta Rondinelli (Banca d'Italia, local organizers), Ernest Gnan (SUERF), Geoff Kenny and Dimitris Georgarakos (ECB), Matteo Gatti and Peter Harasztosi (EIB).

For registering to attend the conference in person, please send an e-mail to

For online attendance, please register at
