The Bank of Italy is pleased to announce the first Bank of Italy World Bank workshop on 'Building Human Capital for 21st Century Jobs' to be held on 15-16 November 2018.
The workshop will draw on state-of-the-art economic research and discuss new evidence on how the pace of technological innovation and progressive automation of job tasks is rapidly reshaping the traditional contractual arrangements between workers and firms and the overall demand for skills. These trends will also ask for a renewed emphasis on human capital accumulation and possible reorganization of the traditional functioning of the education systems. The resulting need to re-think the traditional labor, fiscal and welfare policies will be further stressed by the migratory pressures stemming from differences in demographic balances across different areas of the world, as well as by the increase in longevity and the related lengthening of working life, impacting upon traditional work career patterns.
While the workshop is aiming at state-of-the-art research papers, the policy implications of the research conducted and the analysis of concrete policy responses in the fields of education, labor and fiscal, and social protection systems will be particularly appreciated. A special focus will be also dedicated to the differences and similarities, in the issues to be tackled and in the policy responses to be undertaken, between developed and developing countries.
Interested authors should submit their papers through the following website
The programme will be available soon.