The Fintech Channel is the point of contact through which operators can dialogue easily and informally with the Bank of Italy. They can present projects in the field of financial services and of payments, based on innovative technology, or propose technological solutions designed for banks and financial intermediaries.


  • To promote dialogue between market operators and the Bank of Italy;
  • To support the digital evolution of Italy's financial market as part of the development of the regulatory framework;
  • To showcase the opportunities linked to the Bank of Italy's innovation facilities.


Start-ups, firms,banking and financial intermediaries proposing innovative solutions in the field of financial and payments services can contact the Bank of Italy. The FinTech Channel makes it possible to:

  • assess the requests using a multifunctional and flexible approach in terms of time frames and methods;
  • organize dedicated meetings;
  • provide guidance or responses to operators.

Projects presented for commercial, networking or advertising purposes do not fall within the scope of the FinTech Channel and will therefore not be the subject of any follow up.

Please note that requests to the FinTech Channel, including those that go unanswered, cannot be considered as having been formally acknowledged or approved by the Bank of Italy. More specifically, any feedback or responses provided through the FinTech Channel do not constitute legal advice, carry no legal weight in administrative proceedings and do not imply any evaluation or qualification regarding the license that may be required on the basis of the activity that will actually be carried out. Finally, any questions relating to the application of provisions with no tangible reference to specific initiatives will therefore not be answered.

Presenting projects

Operators can contact the FinTech Channel by compiling a specific web form.

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