Administrative provisions by the Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance MEF
- Annual decrees by the MEF on the classification of credit transactions (only in Italian)
- Quarterly decrees by the MEF updating the average overall effective rates (TEGMs) (only in Italian)
Full text
- Instructions for the reporting of average overall effective rates (TEGMs) under the Italian anti-usury law (only in Italian), July 2016, Official Journal of the Italian Republic (Gazzetta Ufficiale), issue 185 of 9/8/2016.
These instructions are addressed to banks and financial institutions registered under Article 106 of the Consolidated Law on Banking (TUB).
The requirements referenced here have been in force since the reporting of the average overall effective rates (TEGMs) for Q4 2016. The TEGMs reported by banks and financial institutions on the basis of these provisions have been made available by the MEF since the publication of the decree for the Q2 2017.