Compliance, by 1 January 2024, with the European Banking Authority's Guidelines to resolution authoritieson the publication of the write-down and conversion and bail-in exchange mechanic (EBA/GL/2023/01)
Vai alla versione italiana Site SearchThe 'European Banking Authority's Guidelines to resolution authorities on the publication of the write-down and conversion and bail-in exchange mechanic' (EBA/GL/2023/01) require the national resolution authorities to publish a description on their websites of the bail-in exchange mechanic, i.e. the process for the write-down and conversion of capital instruments and bail-inable liabilities, by 1 January 2024.
On 30 May 2023, the Bank of Italy, in its role as national resolution authority, informed the European Banking Authority (EBA) that it intended to comply with the Guidelines.
To this end, the Bank of Italy has now published the document in question, which can be accessed via the link provided below, and has since notified the EBA of its compliance with the abovementioned Guidelines.