The Bank of Italy employs over 7,000 people in Italy and abroad.

In this section you will find information about the personnel recruitment process. Please select one of the options below to go to the career stream best suited to you.

If you have considerable professional experience or a post-graduate degree (M.A., Ph.D, or Italian Dottorato) you can enter the managerial and technical career stream directly. Go to "Academic qualifications and professional experience".

If you have completed a university degree course you are eligible to apply for employment or for funding to study for a position in the Bank. Go to "University degree".

If you have a secondary school diploma or middle school certificate you can find out about other recruitment opportunities at "Other qualifications".

If you have a recognized foreign qualification equivalent to the one indicated in the notice of competition you can also take part in the selection process.

Academic qualification and professional experience

Post-graduate study and work experience. Entering the managerial career stream as Junior Expert ("Funzionario di 2a") e Junior Legal Expert ("Avvocato di 2a")


In addition to a 4- or 5-year Italian university degree - or equivalent foreign qualification - the notice of competition may also set other requirements as professional or research experience or additional academic study. Entry in a roll of active professionals may also be required.

Every year the Bank adds personnel to the managerial career stream, drawing them from among members of the administrative career stream who have passed a special internal competition. Competitions for direct access to the managerial career are held for specific needs, with no predetermined frequency.

University degree

Four-year or five-year Italian university degree, old or new regime.

Competition for Analyst ("Coadiutore")

This is the entry level for university graduates, giving access to the top positions in the administrative career, from which managers are drawn. Analysts are in the administrative career stream. Acting under the directives of Division heads and other managers, their duties are supervisory, involving liaison with and initial oversight of other administrative employees.

Competitions are mainly intended for candidates with training in economics, business, law, statistics, mathematics and finance. The job profile for positions with the head office in Rome may involve more specialized requirements, specified in the notice of competition (e.g. experience in procurement) or the examination programme (e.g., banking inspectors). For the branches, the notice may specify the geographical destination.

New entrants as Analysts follow a personalized training programme.

Competitions for the recruitment of graduates as analysts are generally held at intervals of 18 to 24 months. Please consult the website regularly.


4- or 5- year Italian university degree - or equivalent foreign qualification - awarded with a mark of at least 105/110 or equivalent.

Competition for Analyst in Technical services

This competition is intended mainly for graduates in engineering, information science, chemistry and architecture. Engineers and computer scientists are recruited mainly for activities in the field of information and communications technology, graduates in chemistry are generally assigned to the banknote printing division and architects are hired to be responsible for the premises of the Bank.


In addition to a 4- or 5-year Italian university degree - or equivalent foreign qualification - awarded with a mark, as a rule, of at least 105/110 or equivalent, candidates must meet the requirements for professional or research experience listed in the notice of competition.

Other qualification

Secondary school diploma and middle school certificate.

Competitions for Assistant and Technical Assistant

This is the entry point for middle-level administrative positions. Assistants have administrative duties requiring intellectual ability and professional knowledge. Examples of competitions are those for assistants:

  • with a background in development/maintenance of IT applications and development/maintenance/operation of IT systems and/or telecommunications networks
  • with proficiency in English
  • with training in accounting and budgeting.


We require a 5-year secondary school diploma or equivalent. The notice of competition may also specify a minimum mark and some work or study experience.

Competitions for Junior Assistant

This is the entry point to the lowest level in the administrative career stream. Junior assistants may also perform clerical and other duties, such as filing of documents or security duties.
These competitions are characterized by a large number of applicants (160,000 in the last competition), so in order to make the selection process short and effective, the notice of competition may envisage a pre-selection based on academic achievement.

Competitions for production worker

Staff in the production career stream have duties requiring skills directed principally to the industrial activity of banknote printing or to building and plant maintenance (printers, operators and maintenance workers for printing machinery, etc.).


We require a middle school diploma or equivalent. Generally the notice of competition requires professional experience.

Hiring under Law 68/1999

The Bank of Italy promotes the inclusion and employment of persons with disabilities and to this end effects the hiring envisaged by Law 68/1999 by public competition.

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Training and career development

Investire nelle professionalità dei colleghi che operano in Banca, sin dalla loro assunzione, rappresenta il modo migliore per offrire un efficace servizio all’utenza.