Where can I find details of competitions?

Notices of competitions are published in the Gazzetta Ufficiale and are also available on the Bank’s website and from the Head Office at Via Nazionale, 91, and from all the branches. Competitions may also be advertised in the leading Italian newspapers and in specialised journals in Italy and abroad.

How are candidates notified of the results of the tests?

The results of the test papers are published on the website and are sent by registered letter or telegram to the address given on the application form.

Is there a reading list to help me prepare for competitions for funding to obtain a qualification in banking and finance leading to entry in the Bank as Coadjutor?

The Bank does not issue a specific reading list. Candidates should base their choice of university textbooks on the programme annexed to the competition.

Is a minimum university degree pass mark required in order to take part in competitions for funding to obtain a qualification in banking and finance leading to entry in the Bank as Coadjutor?

Yes, to take part in these competitions you must have a 4 or 5-year Italian university degree, or equivalent foreign qualification, awarded with a mark of at least 105/110 or equivalent.

Where will I work?

Your destination will only be decided at the end of the selection process. You could be assigned to a department of the Head Office in Rome or to one of the Bank’s branches located throughout Italy.

How does the Bank of Italy recruit people belonging to special categories?

The Bank of Italy recruits disabled people by means of open competitions, in compliance with the law.

Can I take part in a competition if my degree is not listed in the notice of competition?

Yes, if your degree is equivalent or comparable to a degree or type of post-graduate degree listed in the notice of competition.

What is an equivalent degree?

Recognition of equivalence ensures that a degree will, for certain purposes, produce the same effects as another degree (such as in order to take part in an open competition). Equivalence is recognized by law or by ministerial degree.

For an up-to-date list of equivalent qualifications please contact the Ministry for Universities and Research.

What is a comparable degree?

For the purpose of taking part in open competitions the law has established a link between the old and the new system of university qualification by making the previous degrees comparable to the new post-graduate degrees. For an up-to-date list of comparable qualifications please contact the Ministry for Universities and Research.

Can I take part in a competition if I obtained my qualification abroad?

Yes, on the following conditions:

  • you must be a citizen of an EU member state
  • you must have a qualification issued by an official body belonging to the educational system of an EU member state
  • you must obtain recognition that your qualification is equivalent or comparable to one of the qualifications listed in the notice of competition. You can find out how to obtain recognition and how long the process will take by contacting Dipartimento della Funzione Pubblica - Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri.

Where can I find details of competitions?

Notices of competitions are published in the Gazzetta Ufficiale and are also available on the Bank's website and in some instances on other specialized websites.

How are candidates notified of the results of the tests?

The results of the test papers are notified exclusively via our website. After publication of the final rankings, winners are notified via certified e-mail of the start of the procedure for their appointment.

Is there a reading list to help me prepare for competitions for Analyst?

The Bank does not issue a specific reading list. Candidates should base their study plan on the programme annexed to the competition notice, referring to university training beyond the first level.

Is a minimum university degree pass mark required in order to take part in competitions for Analyst?

Yes, to take part in these competitions you must ordinarily have a mark of at least 105/110 or equivalent.

Is there an age limit?

In general there is no age limit for Bank of Italy competitions, except those for Analyst, which are restricted to persons under 40.

Where will I work?

Your destination will only be decided at the end of the selection process. You could be assigned to a department of the Head Office in Rome or to one of the Bank's branches located throughout Italy. In some cases the destination is specified in the notice of competition.

How does the Bank of Italy recruit people belonging to "special categories"?

The Bank of Italy recruits disabled people (belonging to the so called "special categories") by means of public selections, in compliance with the law.

Can I take part in a competition if my degree is not among those listed in the notice of competition?

Yes, if your degree is equivalent or deemed officially comparable to a degree or post-graduate degree listed in the notice of competition. In any case, the computer platform for submitting your application is structured to permit the transmission of the application only to holders of the degrees admitted (degrees specified in the notice of competition plus equivalent and officially comparable degrees).

What is an equivalent degree?

Recognition of equivalence ensures that a degree will, for certain purposes, produce the same effects as another degree (such as in order to take part in a public competition). Equivalence is recognized by law or by ministerial decree. The authority competent for equivalence is the Ministry for Universities and Research.

What is an officially comparable degree?

For the purpose of public competitions the law has established a concordance between the old and the new systems of Italian university qualifications by recognizing the previous degrees as comparable, equal in effect, to the new post-graduate degrees. For an up-to-date list of these comparable qualifications please contact the Ministry for Universities and Research.

Can I take part in a competition if I obtained my qualification abroad?

Yes, on the following conditions:

  • you must be a citizen of an EU member state;
  • you must obtain recognition that your qualification is equivalent or comparable to one of the qualifications listed in the notice of competition.

For information on the procedures and time needed for recognition of equivalence or comparability, apply to Dipartimento della Funzione Pubblica - Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri. You can download the forms.