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Research done:find elements

Working Papers (Temi di discussione)
where there are the words
In the title and summary
with date
between 1893 and 2004

found 540 items. notice: only first 500 items are displayed, ordered from more recent to less recent.

  1. No. 50 - Two bio-bibliographical pieces on Piero Sraffa Data di pubblicazione:31 August 1985 by Luigi Pasinetti
  2. No. 49 - Determining the real dollar/mark exchange rate using an 'eclectic' model Data di pubblicazione:31 July 1985 by Juan Carlos Martinez Oliva and Salvatore Rebecchini
  3. No. 48 - Wage indexation income and inflation Data di pubblicazione:30 June 1985 by Luigi Guiso
  4. No. 47 - Households' saving and the real rate of interest: the Italian experience, 1970-1983 Data di pubblicazione:31 May 1985 by E. Lecaldano Sasso la Terza, G. Marotta and R. S. Masera
  5. No. 46 - The economic evolution of the South of Italy over the last thirty years Data di pubblicazione:30 April 1985 by Paolo Sylos Labini
  6. No. 45 - Linear regressions with 'panel data': a guide to the literature Data di pubblicazione:31 January 1985 by Curzio Giannini
  7. No. 44 - Linear regressions with 'panel data': a guide to the literature Data di pubblicazione:31 December 1984 by Carlo Cottarelli
  8. No. 43 - An estimation of the demand functions of financial assets Data di pubblicazione:30 November 1984 by F. Cotula, G. Galli, E. Lecaldano Sasso la Terza, V. Sannucci and E. Zautzik
  9. No. 42 - Why floating exchange rates fail Data di pubblicazione:30 November 1984 by Ronald McKinnon
  10. No. 41 - The bank loan market in Italy: an econometric analysis (1974-1982) Data di pubblicazione:31 October 1984 by Ignazio Angeloni

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current screen: 50, results for screen: 10, total screens: 50.