Annual Accounts - Year 2015Ordinary Meeting of Shareholders - 28 April 2016

On 28 April 2016 the Bank of Italy's Ordinary Meeting of Shareholders approved the annual accounts for 2015. Total balance sheet assets grew by €57 billion, amounting to roughly €588 billion at the end of 2015, mainly as a result of monetary policy operations.

The financial year closed with a gross profit, before the transfer to the provision for general risks and before taxes, of €6,009 million, which is substantially in line with the previous financial year (€5,957 million in 2014).

In view of the increase in the size of the balance sheet and the risks associated with the gradual implementation by the Eurosystem of securities purchase programmes for monetary policy purposes, €2,200 million was transferred to the provision for risks.

Taxes for the year amounted to €1,012 million (€1,159 million in 2014).

From the net profit of €2,797 million (€2,998 million in 2014), €300 million is allocated to the ordinary reserve and a dividend of €340 million is assigned to the shareholders.

The amount to be paid to the State therefore comes to €2,157 million.

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