The Bank of Italy strengthens its social media presence

The Bank of Italy has stepped up its social media presence: in addition to its already existing accounts on Google+ (+BancadItaliaEurosistema), YouTube (bancaditaliaeurosistema) and Twitter (@UfficioStampaBI), the Bank now has a new Twitter profile (@bancaditalia) and a LinkedIn channel (Banca d’Italia - Eurosistema).

The new Twitter account will alert users to Bank of Italy publications, speeches by members of the Governing Board and other Bank of Italy officials and, more broadly, point to information available on the Bank’s website (

The LinkedIn page will host content concerning the Bank’s task and activities as well as insights on issues and publications of special interest, together with news about the Bank’s HR policies and recruitment and its environmental and social footprint.

The two accounts are already active and allow users to engage with the Bank. For further information on the content, moderation policy and terms of use of the channels, click here.

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