Financial education in schoolsApril 2025

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In its 'Recommendation on Financial Literacy' (2020), the OECD urges its member countries to take into account the importance of financial literacy skills for current and future generations of youth amid contemporary financial challenges. The Recommendation suggests developing financial literacy from the earliest possible age. Nowadays, children have access to money and start using (digital) financial services from a young age. The fast-evolving financial landscape means potentially more opportunities but also more individual responsibility for financial decisions than was the case for previous generations. The literature on education shows that most habits, including financial ones, are formed at a young age. Financial education in schools can also have indirect benefits for families, as students may talk about these topics with their parents. This is especially true for children from more disadvantaged backgrounds. Banca d'Italia has been promoting financial education in schools since 2007. Its financial education programme has evolved and expanded over time and has proved to be effective in increasing pupils' financial literacy. This webinar focuses on Banca d'Italia's initiatives in this field.