Report to Parliament and to the Government for 2006

The Report describes the tasks and functions of the Bank of Italy and the activities it performed in 2006 as part of the European System of Central Banks, as the authority responsible for ensuring the sound and prudent management of intermediaries and the stability of the system and as a provider of services to financial intermediaries and general government bodies. In particular, regarding the supervision of banks and financial intermediaries and market oversight, the Report illustrates the principles and methods followed in the course of monitoring and the measures adopted.

The Report forms part of the body of information published by the Bank in the Annual Report, the Economic Bulletin and the Bollettino di Vigilanza and contained in the testimony provided to Parliament by its representatives.

With the publication of this Report the Bank of Italy complies with the requirements laid down in Article 19 of Law 262/2005 as amended by Legislative Decree 303/ 2006 and, as regards the supervision of banks and non-bank intermediaries, in Article 4 of Legislative Decree 385/ 1993 (Consolidated Law on Banking).

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