No. 3 - Pension Reform, Fiscal Policy and Economic Performance

The volume collects the essays presented at the 11th Workshop on Public Finance organised by Banca d'Italia in Perugia on 26-28 March 2009. The workshop examined the issue of pension reform with the purpose of highlighting the recent analytical developments and the most relevant policy issues.

Session 1 examined the impact of pension reforms on the labour market and their effects on investments in human capital and productivity growth. Session 2 was devoted to the impact of pension reforms on capital markets, and specifically on the effects of funded schemes. Section 3 considered the impact of reforms on income distribution, within and across generations, and macroeconomic developments. Section 4 dealt with the political economy of pension reforms and their role in the broader fiscal policy context.

The acts of the Public Finance workshops held from 1999 to 2008 are available at: Publications › Other conference proceedings.

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