Consultancy and professional collaboration contracts

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The list of the external consultancy and collaboration contracts assigned by the Bank is published below (Legislative Decree 165/200, Article 53(14)).

The list, available also in open digital standard format, is divided into two sections: 1) standard consultancy contracts and 2) professional collaboration contracts, which are subdivided into a) those for services required by law; and b) other types of professional collaboration. For the most common types of contract, there is a description of the services provided by the external professional. None of the consultants on the list are in situations of even potential conflict of interest.

Starting in 2018, in line with the provisions of Article 9-bis of Legislative Decree 33/2013, the list of consultancy and professional collaboration contracts granted or authorized by the Bank of Italy is available on the national databank of public consultancy contracts (, based on criteria and in a format that differ somewhat from those followed by the Bank to date.