Tender procedures, contracts and electronic invoicing

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Tender notices and other documentation for all tender procedures begun as of 1 January 2019 are only available through the Bank of Italy’s e-tendering portal.

Consequently, as of that date, preliminary market consultations, market surveys and MePA notices, previously published in this section of the website, can also now be found on the portal at https://gareappalti.bancaditalia.it.

In this section you will find tender notices and other information about the Bank’s contract award procedures, in accordance with Legislative Decree 50/2016, as well as the measures adopted by the Bank on this subject.

Ordinarily, tender procedures are conducted online (Article 58 of Legislative Decree 50/2016). To participate, market operators must first register with the Banks’ e-tendering portal at https://gareappalti.bancaditalia.it and agree to the ‘General Terms of Use’.

For tender procedures with a value below the EU threshold, the Bank of Italy operates via the Electronic Marketplace for the Public Administration – MePA (pursuant to Article 36(6) of Legislative Decree 50/2016). More information on registering with the MePA Portal can be found at https://www.acquistinretepa.it.

In this section you will also find all the acts and measures indicated in Article 29 of Legislative Decree 50/2016.

Prompt payment indicator

The Bank of Italy has published an indicator, known as the 'annual prompt payment indicator', showing the average payment times for the procurement of supplies, services and other works (Article 33 of Legislative Decree 33/2013).

Since 2014 the annual indicator has been calculated in accordance with the provisions of Article 9 of Prime Ministerial Decree (DPCM) of 22 September 2014 and based on the indications in the Ministry for the Economy and Finance’s Circulars No. 3 of 14 January 2015 and No. 22 of 22 July 2015.

In the absence of the DPCM and the above-mentioned Circulars, in 2013 the annual indicator was calculated using the simple average of the days elapsing between the date on which the invoices were received and the date they were paid.

Every three months with effect from 2015, the Bank of Italy also publishes the ‘quarterly prompt payment indicator’ (Article 33 of Legislative Decree 33/2013), which is drawn up in the same way as the ‘annual prompt payment indicator’.

Electronic invoicing

In accordance with the provisions of the legislation on electronic invoicing, as of 31 March 2015 the Bank of Italy will no longer accept paper-based invoices from persons resident in Italy.

Suppliers in Italy must therefore issue invoices in electronic format through the Data Exchange managed by the Revenue Agency. This system, based on an identification reference code (Single Office Code) transmits the invoices to the various offices of the Bank of Italy.

Procurement: performance indicators

Public tenders are held to obtain from the market, under the best terms and conditions, resources that are not available internally (supplies, services, labour, know-how) but that are nonetheless needed to perform, maintain and manage primary and ancillary activities. A public tender policy can only be effective if it creates a transparent and competitive environment, focused on the quality of expenditure and the prevention of corruption. Effectiveness must, however, be paired with efficiency.

To keep these two variables (effectiveness and efficiency) under control, the Bank of Italy's procurement function has developed a model that measures key performance indicators (KPI) and quality indicators in order to enable it to monitor the vendor selection process and to provide reports helpful to the Bank's decision-making bodies.

Procurement performance indicators

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