Paola Giucca graduated cum laude in Economics from Sapienza University of Rome and has a Master degree in International Monetary Economics from the Graduate Institute of International Studies in Geneva.

In 1984, she joined the Economic Research Department of the Bank of Italy, first working on public finance matters and subsequently on international matters, collaborating with working groups within the OECD, BIS, and EMI on the drafting of monetary and budgetary policies. Following a collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the Maastricht Treaty; in 1992, she joined the Refinancing and Clearing Division, overseeing major national, European, and international payment system reforms, the transition process to the year 2000, and the transition to the Euro.

In late 1999, she was in charge of payment systems oversight and later became a manager of the Market and Payment Systems Oversight Directorate, which was established following organizational reform within the Bank of Italy. In that capacity, she monitored the euro-area integration process and the development of the Single Euro Payments Area project (SEPA), as well as the launch of Fintech projects, as part of a Bank of Italy working group. In 2019, she was appointed Deputy Head of this Directorate.

In June 2020, she was made Deputy Head of the newly founded Retail Payment Instruments and Services Directorate, supervising the retail payment and Fintech coordination unit.  She has been Head of the Directorate since December 2022.