Born in Rome on 27 February 1968, she graduated with honours from the University of Rome ‘La Sapienza’ in 1990 with a degree in Political Science, with a focus on international studies.
She joined the Bank of Italy in 1991 and was assigned to the Foreign Exchange Operations Centre, where she worked on exchange market transactions, reserve management, market analysis and the management of Italian debt denominated in foreign currency. During that same period, she also provided support to the Chairman of the Foreign Exchange Policy Sub-Committee in preparation for the launch of the euro.

In 1999 she moved to the Official Reserves Management Division of the Monetary Policy and Foreign Exchange Operations Department, managing portfolios in numerous currencies, and was later put in charge of the ECB reserves investment portfolio. In this role, she was also a member, since its creation, of the Eurosystem’s Working Group on Foreign Reserve Assets Management.

In 2008 she was made Deputy Head of the Investment Operations Division of the then Financial Investment Department and, in 2011, she became Head of that division, responsible for the operational management of all the Bank’s foreign currency and euro-denominated investments, the Bank of Italy’s staff pension fund and investments on behalf of the ECB. She played an active role in international groups, in particular, the Eurosystem’s Monitoring Working Group.

In early 2016 she was appointed Deputy Head of the newly formed Operations and Payments Settlement Directorate, helping to start up this new directorate dedicated entirely to post-trading and other support activities for market operations and the payments sector.
In April 2020 she was made Head of the Market Operations Directorate, a member of the Market Operations Committee and one of the advisors to Assiom Forex chosen by the Bank.
She has authored publications on the management of central bank’s reserves and has represented the Bank of Italy in a variety of international forums on this topic.