Securities Database, ISIN code service, reporting as per Article 129 of the Consolidated Law on Banking and securitizations

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The Securities Database (Anagrafe Titoli)

The Securities Database contains detailed information on the financial instruments that banking and financial intermediaries and other firms report to the Bank of Italy.

Intermediaries can obtain a monthly report from the Securities Database to fulfil their reporting obligations.

Reporting entities can download the data from the web site Access is restricted to registered users.

ISIN code service

ISIN (International Securities Identification Number) is a globally recognized code used to identify financial instruments on the markets and in transactions; it is based on the ISO 6166 standard.

The ISIN code is allocated by National Numbering Agencies (NNAs); these are specialized local operators that are members of the federated Association of National Numbering Agencies (ANNA), an international organization entrusted by ISO to implement and maintain the standard.

Every financial instrument that is allocated an ISIN code is also issued a CFI (Classification of Financial Instruments) code, which is based on the ISO 10962 standard.

In Italy, the ISIN code service is provided by the Bank of Italy via the online procedure FEAT (Front End Anagrafe Titoli) on the Infostat platform.

The ISIN code does not, in itself, guarantee the validity of the certificates representing securities, the legitimacy of the financial transaction, or the financial capacity of the issuer to ensure financial coverage of the financial instrument itself.

ISIN allocation requests for Italian mutual fund units do not fall within the scope of this code allocation service as they must be included in the supervisory reports between asset management companies and the Bank of Italy, using the G.I.A.V.A. procedure (Integrated Management of Supervisory registers and Directories).

Reporting as per Article 129 of the Consolidated Law on Banking

The reporting requirements under Article 129 of the Italian Consolidated Law on Banking (TUB) are governed by the "Provisions on the reporting of a cumulative nature relating to the issuance and offering of financial instruments" issued on August 25, 2015 and updated on November 2, 2020.

The reports' content and collection method have been formulated taking into account the fact that the Bank of Italy already collects information on financial instruments as part of ISIN allocation and of the management of the Securities Database.

As a result, reports as per Article 129 of the TUB are collected through an online procedure called FE129 (Front End 129), which has very similar characteristics and functions to the FEAT procedure (Front End Anagrafe Titoli) used for ISIN allocation.


The Securities Database contains information on the securitization transactions, the securities and the financial vehicle corporations (FVCs) acting as issuers.

Financial vehicle corporations intending to initiate a securitization transaction must access the FEAT procedure to comply with their statistical reporting obligations. Additional information on the procedures and requirements is available on the dedicated page list of financial vehicle corporations for securitizations.

Registering with the Service

To obtain access credentials for the FEAT/FE129 procedures, users must fill out and submit the 'Access request' form, following the instructions provided in the document 'Operational instructions for access to the service'. The credentials are normally issued within two working days of the request.

The documents required to join the service and the operating manuals are available in the section 'ISIN Coding Service, Article 129 reporting and Securitizations - Documents'.


Italian securities

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ISIN CODE SERVICE, art. 129 reporting and securitizations - DOCUMENTS

ISIN CODE SERVICE, art. 129 reporting and securitizations - Access

ISIN code service - Search facilities

ISIN CODE SERVICE, art. 129 reporting and securitizations - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)